
Guess Whom…

This is a set of gameboards and score sheets designed for a missing identity game in the vein of “Guess Who?” by Milton Bradley, only much simpler.

The set contains two sizes of gameboard, small (12 characters) and large (24 characters) and if neither appeals to you or the target language does not match your EFL syllabus then you are welcome to make your own using the character outlines provided. If your students enjoy it, consider moving them up to photos of real people (celebrities, classmates) instead.

The boards work best laminated such that faces can be crossed off with dry-erase pens. In the event that you do not have access to lamination equipment, printable black-and-white score cards are also included in the package.

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A second version also exists involving identifying various sea creatures.

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Nyancat Themed Pass the Ball Type Template

This is a template for a Powerpoint 2003 format “Pass the Ball” type activity. So in other words the simple two-slide slideshow where slide 1 has music and slide 2 has slots for questions that the South Korean school system is so fond of using as a filler. Students pass a ball (or a stuffed cat) around and when the music stops that student must answer. Really simple stuff.

This is themed after the popular 2011 “Nyancat” meme by “PRGuitarMan”. Personally, I feel it’s good to reference the occasional age-appropriate bit of internet pop culture in an EFL class because if nothing else, it gives the young students some shared cultural identity (internet culture) with their peers who grew up on the English-speaking internet. Perhaps one day in the future, the internet won’t be so divided along language lines, but for now, that’s simply how it is.

Download as PPT2003 Presentation

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